July 27, 2010

~~The Golden Child With the Silver Spoon~~

I stayed in "Paris" longer than I anticipated this week,
But I so needed to get away :)
Still, I also got some things done as well.
I finished this lightweight lace jacket for a favorite customer of mine.It looks divine on her and she is picking it up tomorrow.
But the one thing she wanted, she hasn't seen yet.
I hope this proverb holds true when she sees it for the first time.

She loves heads and funky things done with them
I call my girl "The Golden Child".
She even has the silver spoon to prove it.
She is so incredibly funky.
I don't do many dolls, but always have fun when I do.

And you have to love an antique crochet baby bonnet woven with rusty wire.

Thank you for stopping by today...
I always love it when you come:)

July 22, 2010

~~I Went to Paris This Morning~~~

As I was driving to the Shoppe this morning I found myself daydreaming.
Wondering how long it was going to take me to get through all of the boxes
and bags from the estate I bought,
Feeling overwhelmed and tired.
I was at a stop sign and happened to glance away.
I saw this tower....and for a second, just a second....I had flashbacks of being in Paris.
And I smiled.Knowing it's all good, no matter what it is.
Because I have found boxes and boxes full of jewelry
...some costume, some fine.
And two bags of precious vintage and antique baby clothes.
Look at the little purse....it has two little wool Easter chicks inside :)

Then the beginning of the linens....

With yet more linens.

It's good to get away, but then it's always fun to come back home!

July 21, 2010

It's the Thrill of the Hunt.......

Marley and Baby are so incredibly tired of watching me sort through the massive amount of boxes from the estate I am liquidating.....
and I only have 51 left to go.......
And that doesn't count the 30 bags of linens.
But it is totally worth it......
We plan on finishing the garage tonight and still don't know what we will find......
It's the thrill of the hunt doncha' know!

July 19, 2010

Saturday's Open House Was the Very Best!

Thank you so very, very much for making my Saturday Open House so wonderful.
I prepared all week long getting the Shoppe ready and wanted to
share some of that with you.
There were so many new things added just for the Open House that I didn't know if I could get them all inside, but managed to display most of them.

Can you
believe this stereo still works.....it's loaded with wonderful records from the 50's and 60's....so much fun!

Beautiful armoire with luggage to the ceiling :)

And a case full of "everything"...

Super Art Deco desk....such glamour.

Sweet baby shoes melt my heart.

And then you have to bronze them as well :)

Hand poured candles are one of my most popular items.

But this is my favorite corner...

ahhhh.....so sweet!

Christmas will be here before we know it......

"Peachy" items look beautiful together.

A little bit of "manly stuff"

A cabinet full of figurines...

Another favorite corner of mine.

Tons of china sets...

And vintage glassware.

With glam clothing and chairs..

And altered lamp shades ready to go.

Alabaster is the best...

Comfy white overstuffed chairs...

More china...

Ready to nap?

And the party began.......!

Lots of food for the sweet tooth!

Although this isn't the whole Shoppe, I got tired so I cut it short :)
And there were so many requests for recipes this time around that I promised to share them, so here goes the two most requested.
Chocolate Bon Bons
1/2 cup butter
2 lbs powdered sugar
1 can eagle brand milk
8 ounces flaked coconut
3 cups chopped pecans
10 bars Hershey's milk chocolate
1 bag semi sweet chocolate chips
1/4 lbs paraffin
Mix first five ingredients, blending well. Form into size "balls" desired and refrigerate for approximately 1 hour. Heat chocolate until thoroughly melted and blended. Dip balls one at a time into chocolate placing on a piece of wax paper to harden......that's it!
Sugar Biscuit Treats
Any biscuit recipe....I use Bisquick for mine.
Make according to directions of recipe or on box.
Roll dough and cut into size treat desired.
Dredge individual biscuit dough in melted butter then into granulate sugar.
Place on cookie sheet and indent the center top with knuckle.
Place a small dollop of jelly or jam into finger knuckle indent and bake according to directions of recipe on box.
Drizzle with a glaze of powdered sugar and water.

I bought an entire estate last week and we cleaned the garage yesterday....it had boxes stuffed inside for over a 58 year period. I can't begin to tell you all the treasures we found, but will share some as they are cleaned and put in the Shoppe....
For today, I am resting........I never thought I would say it, but sometimes
"More actually IS enough"...