August 25, 2011

Bringing Family Heirlooms to Life

When I am entrusted with family heirlooms,
I am extremely flattered.
I, of all people, know how important these treasures can be to individuals.

This gorgeous piece belonged to one of my customer's great grandmothers
and it is divine.
She gave me creative license.
Because I know all the types of items she has purchased from me for her bedroom,
I just felt certain a beautiful pillow was the way to go. 
I was able to use a piece of old net petticoat for the backing of the pillow...
and was amazed that it matched almost perfectly.

The pillow insert was filled with down and lavender buds for a
Soft, but very fragrant addition to her boudoir.
The only thing I am not happy with is that
it doesn't belong to ME :)
There is still time to sign up for my giveaway....
you can read more about it HERE.

Thank you for stopping by today,
you know i love it when you come.

And if this is your first time here and you choose to follow,,,
Please know i always follow back :)

August 23, 2011

nettie jane be'be

As I develop my nettie jane clothing line,
I am constantly inspired by those around me.

For this piece I celebrated my Tatsey's second birthday....
A precious be'be version of my adult size dusters and jackets.

This is a 2T although the pictures don't really reflect the smallness of the piece.

 It is also woven with sweet ribbons as are the others...

 and carries the same nettie jane label with the addition of "be'be"...

I love this addition to the line.....
Sweetness for sweetness!

My giveaway runs through Saturday, so sign up here to win
A box of my "stash".....
The winner will be announced Sunday :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

and if this is your first time here and
you choose to follow....
please know I always follow back ;0

Today I am linking to White Wednesday at Faded Charm

August 22, 2011

Just for Sewing..and a GIVEAWAY...WHOO HOO!

I have taken on the chore of moving my sewing area
from one side of the Shoppe to behind my counter
where I can easily sew and still watch the front of the store.

This is the view you see as you stand to the left of the counter
at the privacy gate which acts as a barrier for preventing customers
from coming behind the counter and into my space.

Everyone wants to come into this area,
and if you look around you will probably see why :) 
I designed a small area for eating lunch or
for sitting and doing handwork....
and lots of storage compartments for my laces and trims...
I plan on using the suitcases to sort the items,
and label  them for easy access.
There are quite a few of the see through hat boxes which are perfect for smaller pieces
The chest of drawers will store all of my flat laces that I use for projects..
My buttons make a huge impact in the area....
These are mostly gallon jars of old and antique buttons.
They even extend upwards being stored in an old doll house
on the top shelf.
The antique and vintage wedding dresses stay behind the counter as well,
As I have always protected them from excess handling.
I love my  most wonderful three gallon container of old buttons.....
I do love me some buttons :)

This is the view from my cash register area....
It calls to me all day long. 
The really wonderful thing about my "new space" is the fact my
lil'mama is coming on Friday to organize all my fabrics and laces.....
She is a pro at this and I can't wait for everything to have a place
Where I can finally find it.

Don't forget to comment on my giveaway post here for a chance to win
A vintage box of goodies from this new space.....
I keep tossing things inside, so there is no telling what the winner will get.

August 20, 2011

300th Follower Giveaway......I Think (:D

I'm almost there...
and you must wonder why I waited until I was only one away
to have a giveaway?
Well, I can only tell you that last year I hit 156 seven different times....
I'm not sure what was going on or why it was happening,
but for every two I would gain, I would loose 1.....or 3.
I would have been concerned that I was out there offending someone
or something of that nature, if it hadn't been so funny
to watch......I felt it to be a silly conspiracy, but I just never knew why????
So, gaining one more follower to be at 300 might be an easy task
for others, but it's just not a sure thing for me.....
I don't know why people quit following whether it be on Facebook
or on a blog....I know if I loose interest, I just quit reading..

I'm having a giveaway and it begins like this with a
beautiful vintage paper covered heart box.  

It's about 8" across and 6" deep so it will hold A LOT....
and I'm thinking vintage millinery and flowers...

some old buttons as well....

and a little bias ribbon we all love.

You know I have to include old lace, too

With some samplings of my velvet ribbons...
Maybe some old trims....

And who knows what else.....
But rest assured it will be packed to the brim and
the winner won't be disappointed......
It's like a surprise giveaway.

Just leave a comment on this post and the winner will be
chosen Saturday, August 27th
Let me know you passed my giveaway on and you have two chances......

Easy, peasy...
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

August 11, 2011

Creating Memories with the Things You Love

I can't tell you how many times a week I hear
.people say they need to stop buying antiques and collectibles
. because no one in their family wants them.
It saddens them to think what will happen to
.all the things they love after they are gone.

My one biggest piece of advice to anyone concerned.
that their family doesn't like old stuff
.is to create memories with it.....

I know I love all that I do because it represents something
.or someone in my past.  We associate things with
.emotions and if your family has no emotion attached to
.any of your treasures.....they are just "things"....

Use the china you love when the kids come over....
Serve your famous strawberry shortcake and tea
in dishes you love....create the memory and association
.between their favorite recipes of yours and your favorite china.

 Place those special bouquet of flowers they send you in vessels you treasure....

 And do this all the time....not just once.
You have to create the emotion of a memory through association.
I know my daughter will always associate glass cake holders with me.
From the time she can remember, everything always went under the dome.
Leftover bisquits...under the dome.  Store bought cakes...under the dome.
Homemade treats....always under the dome :)
It's the first thing she goes to when she enters the kitchen....
and she is almost 40 now :)

Use old casseroles for cookies and special treats
.they all love eating when they visit.

 Have a tea party with something other than styrofoam.....
Make something so normal special to have the association  of things to the event.

 Use old linens on their beds instead of putting them away when guests come over;
Let them know they are special enough for your special things.

 I know I love buttons because I used to play with the jar under the ironing board
.as my lil'mama worked away....
Use yours for a button counting game.....
.or matching the buttons and whoever has the most sets wins...
Create a memory.

 Old toys can be very fragile.
But get them out....allow your children and grandchildren to touch them.
Tell them a story about each one.
Make them come alive.

 Use old stationery to write special notes to those you love....
They will always associate this with you and have a fondness for old papers.

 So the next time you wonder what will happen to all of the things you have collected
.and love, remember you did so because of your memories and attachment to the person
.or place of which it reminds you.
Do the same thing with those around you and they will all want your treasures even if
.they "hate" old stuff. 
Once they are able to associate material things with memories and emotions,
I promise you they will hang on to your treasures as they are memories of you.

I'm linking to Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground.

August 4, 2011

Old Suitcase Reinvented........

I have worked on and completed special orders all week long.
.....and it has seemed like work.
Maybe because they are already paid for and
I have no special incentive to get them finished sooner:)
Funny how that works.....the carrot is gone,
So there is a different attitude towards what I am making...
Not that that's right, but it is human nature.

Finally, I was able to just play and create.
Because the days are so incredibly hot,
Not many souls venture out in the late afternoon....
Which gives me time inside the Shoppe to do lots of things,

I had a vision of an alterned suitcase using old velvets and trims.
I used a smaller case to begin with as this would normally be something
You would carry around, rather than toss around .

 Lots of rich velvets, trims, and tapestries

For the boheminian look I adore....

 First of several designs I have in mind...
All to be carried under the  nettie jane design label.
 Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

Today I am joining with the following parties.
Check them out and find wonderful things....

Stay cool!

August 2, 2011

Bazarniville.....I love you :)

I know I'm going to shock some of you when I say I don't like garage sales....
I don't like going to them, and I really really dislike having them...
Just won't do it.
It's not that good things cannot be found at them,
I just don't have the time or the energy to spend
going to them...I don't like the house thing, I don't like the junk thing,
I am just a garage sale snob I guess.
I don't hardly go to auctions either....
To me that is like shooting fish in a barrel.
The items have already been "found", and
Now I am expected to fight for them...
Just can't do it...don't have the patience or the desire.

Ok, so where do I like to go to get all my wonderful stuff?
I do have a few flea market haunts that keep me
Coming back with the good stuff and prices they have.
But, I also love the Bazarniville....absolutely LOVE IT.
It is a church sale once a year that is packed so full of so much inventory
That people start lining up at 7:00 am to get inside.....
Me included.
And that is something I don't do for anything else, ever....
It's that good.

I found this wonderful vintage chrome child's display rack.....
Perfect for my baby section.
 Not to mention this 16 light vintage chandelier with all the crystals.

 A retro wrought iron patio set from the 50's.
Just need a little TLC and it's perfect.

Also with a matching pair of wrought iron patio tables.

 Not to mention this cast iron Victorian fireplace insert....

 And an old window grate.

 Pretty run of the mill stuff, you say?
Would you think it was better if I broke my cardinal rule and
Told you what it set me back?
Try under $50.00 for everything.
Can  you see now why I love the Bazarniville....

Thank for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come.
If you choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back.