May 26, 2012

nettie jane designs....never for the faint of heart

I arrived to the Shoppe this morning to a busted out
glass front door.
Don't know why, don't know who, but do know karma
will take care of them.

It was a very busy day....
I needed serenity and worked on
silk velvet ruched roses while customers shopped.

I refuse to talk anymore about the vandalism....
Talking about it gives it energy....
and it deserves none.

I am going to Canton again this month.....
It always puts a smile on my face.

Stay safe....people out there are crazy :)

May 25, 2012

Antique Butter Dish Wind Chimes

I wish I could tell you this was a quick and easy project,
But it just wouldn't be true.

It took a lot of manual labor to drill the holes,
flatten the silver utensils....

Then the time consuming process of measuring the chain
Putting the whole thing together.

I'm glad I hung in there with it though....
It makes a beautiful sound....
You know they say when a chime is heard
an angel gets their wings.

This is a really difficult holiday for my family.
You would think that after 43 years you would
be over the loss of your Daddy.
Just too tragic of a death to ever forget.

Time doesn't make it easier....
Your coping mechanism just gets better.

Have a fun and safe Memorial Day....

Drunk drivers kill.

May 20, 2012


The first hydrangeas of the season.
I "tolerate" the lacecaps because they are white :)

Hoping you have a beauitiful day!


May 18, 2012

See, Bob, I Told You....Massive Wicker Set

While I was in Austin doing the Junk Salvation show,
I stayed with my sweet cousin and her husband Bob.
They were gracious hosts and even came to the show the
Second day to check it out.

I am sharing this set for them.
I feel certain neither one of them (Bob) had a clue
Why I was purchasing these pieces....

But they are over 100 years old and are massive wicker.
The pieces are actually as big around as my pinkie,
and are wrapped around wire.

Now, sure it had a few issues,
But nothing that couldn't be resolved in the workshop.

I couldn't bring myself to paint this wonderful finish,
so it was simply cleaned and burlap seating was added.

It is such a grand set.....
see, Bob.....I told 'ya.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

May 17, 2012

It's Not Your Grandma's Chair

The chair came into the Shoppe months ago......
I loved the style and the fabric was in good condition,
so whoever bought it could reupholster it themselves
to fit their taste and style.

THEN, I found a huge hole poked in the backside of the fabric.
I mean, who does that?????

Anyway, I dug in my stash......
Starting cutting and stapling,

 Even made a new down seat cushion.

 She's lookin' good now :)
and has a new lease on life..

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I'm sharing with Vintage Inspiration Friday,
and Furniture Feature Friday...

May 12, 2012

Keep a Lid On It......

Often times "things" come into the Shoppe
along with other things.
Not necessarily something I would seek,
but something I deal with anyway :)

Kinda like life, wouldn't you say?

I originally thought I would mount each one onto it's own
piece of wood, but liked them all on the column.
They are perfect for dried flowers,
a kitchen towel holder,
or just as a wall hanging.
Anything looks good in masses:)

Here's hoping your Mother's Day is as
beautiful as I know mine will be.

Be Blessed,

May 11, 2012

Antique Bead Board Dry Sink

I can't believe I almost didn't buy this piece.
I don't know why I didn't see it's potential,
as I can see potential in a rock...

Still, I had to think about it for a minute,
but then it just came home with me.

It was originally a really worn pine wood,
and not a pretty "worn" either.
A quick coat of sage green paint convinced me
I had made the right decision.

I really like the copper dry sink area above.
It holds a Coke crate perfectly for planting,
or could be used for ice and soft drinks on a patio.

The bead board is the best....
along with the original hardware.

yep, I'm definitely loving it now

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I am sharing my new love with
Hope you all have a beautiful Mother's Day!

May 9, 2012

Glamorous Baseball Bracelets.......

 Not having a computer that works correctly
has left me with some extra time (if there is such a thing:)
to focus on some of the creations
I've had bouncin'round this head of mine.

I've lost my ability to email people.....
I lost my blog list.....
My laptop blew up....
it's just all whacked!

I saw these bracelets at the Funky Junk Show in Austin.
But theirs were different, if that makes sense.

Even if I use an idea I saw,
I always, always try to put my own style and spin
on the finished piece....
This may be a design that is already "out there",
but if it is, I haven't seen it,
so I an owning this one for myself :)

I always work with what I have on hand.
I already had three old baseballs....
so I have six baseball bracelets.
that may be all I ever have,
as I never go into full production with anything....

I'm always on to something else...
I think they call that OCD
I call it wanting to do it all....:)

And just a little inspiration for you....
Found this on my Facebook last week and loved it.

(and I do......and it is)

Thank you for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

This week I'll be joining White Wednesday,

May 1, 2012

Junk Salvation~Austin, Texas

I've said it before,
and I will say it again.
I judge a show by how much fun it was
if I would do it again.

I have got to say definitely!!

The girls that do the Junk Salvation show are so
incredibly sweet,  that it actually renews my faith in
women's ability to treat each other nicely....
with no jealousy or hidden agenda....
Super ladies!

Now for the show.....
I had the honor of setting up next to
Becky Warner of French Laundry....
What an absolute gem.
She and her friend, Julie, offered me the piece below
at almost half price because they thought it would
look good in my Shoppe.
it would, however, there was no way, no how
it was going to fit into my truck.....
bummer :(

My loss, for sure....isn't she grand!

That's Becky on the left and Barbara on the right.
You really couldn't tell where my space ended and her's began.
We have decided we are going to both get trailers,
fix'em up, and start a group called...
"The Girls of White"....we thought about
just "The White Girls", but that just didn't ring right.....
I'm just sayin'.
Becky is encouraging me to set up at Round Top.....
and I'm thinking about it.
At this point, who knows.

They also make these gorgeous lace angel wings to die for...
not to mention the wonderful oversized door...
oh, the things I coulda/shoulda have bought.

Then, of course, I had to get a picture of a lady taking a picture :)...
kindly look beyond that at the row of building and the great stuff
sitting all around.......very, very good junk for sure.

It's called the Funky Junk Salvation for a reason....
The body parts were abundant, but this guy
was my favorite......he was the hit of the show.
I personally can appreciate his "agility" :)

The ideas and creativity were there as well...,.
I fell in love with this dealer's baseball bracelets.....

I told you there were many body parts......

And then there's back to me.....
Lots of lace.....lots of white.....

The cards of buttons were dug through like they were gold....
lots sold, but lots came home as well....
I have such a thing for old buttons.

I sold under the name of "nettie jane" this event
rather than Collected Treasures since I focused
primarily on my clothing designs.

I was offered a couple of wholesale deals,
but we'll see what happens with all of that.

This trunk sold to a girl who said it matched a chair she had....
I didn't ask ....

Everyone was envious of my little patch of flowers as my
building was the only one with any greenery....
Can you believe these guys are still alive with the ground
as dry as it is?
I dropped by cell phone and yelled with fear
it would go into one of the cracks in the dirt and
be gone forever....
This is a Texas drought at it's worst.

I was also pleased to finally meet Anne Lorys of Fiona and Twig....
she's a wonderful talent with her photography and writing ability....
It's such fun to put a face with a blog:)
It's back to my day to day at the Shoppe.....
with lots to think about...
and lots of work in front of me.....

I just love it!

This week I am joining White Wednesday