July 30, 2012

Chair Bones

One of the things I am liking right now
happens to be what I call "chair bones"

Strip all the old upholstery from an antique chair....
Leave the burlap, springs, and webbing...
And you're good to go.
It retains it's strength and can be used as normal.
I'm really like this piece....
evidently so does Punkin......if I didn't have animals everywhere,
well, my life just wouldn't be normal.

Thanks for stopping by today....
My life is really crazy right now,
I love it when you come.

July 24, 2012

A Second Shoppe Location in Canton, Texas

Wow........what have I done?

Anyone that has read me for a while knows that I have set up at the infamous Canton Flea Market on First Mondays a couple of times this year. Some to just test the waters and also to be able to say I've done it.

 Well, I've applied and have been accepted in the coveted Lewis Arbors Lock and Leaves for a permanent space.  I am so excited to have been one of the ten chosen from the 100 applicants........I can't wait to keep you up to date as this wonderful new venture develops for me.

This won't affect the Shoppe at all....
.just hopefully make it better as well........

All I can say is........

July 20, 2012

Nettie Jane's New Sign

I have just completed the sign for my inside my Shoppe
and my nettie jane clothing designs.

I'm finally getting the room just the way I want it....
 it's now one of my favorite places within the

Guaranteed to feed the senses...

And make you feel like a girl, for sure.

Included in the nettie jane line are also pillows and home accessories...
all of lace, of course. 

Along with sweet little handbags.

And tons and tons of beautiful jackets, blouses, altered sweaters,  and dusters....

In all patterns and colors.

It's a little funky, very romantic, and fun to wear...

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I'm joining Beverly's Pink Saturday this week....

July 14, 2012

Claude becomes Claudia......

Poor Claude....
he thought he was getting a good home with me.
But I was rough on him,
Even exposing him to a flood of water.
He got no respect at all.

Claude and I both knew if he was going to stay,
there would have to be some major changes......
he just didn't realize it would involve lace.

His entire barrel shaped torso was covered
with lace in a decoupage fashion,
only using pins so not to damage
any of the crochet pieces.

His neck was decoupaged with some old
pages from an antique French book.

Claude has been adorned with my antique and vintage
brooches and shows them off nicely.

I've told him this is what all the European men
are wearing this season...

He doesn't seem to mind at all,

He's always been my girlie man.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come. 

July 12, 2012

Dare I???....I Dared :)

I have to confess that even as I hit the "publish" button
on my last post, I had already made up my mind to paint this beauty.
I had some people telling me to jump right in,
some with opinions of how to paint it,
and some that I could head audibly gasping from
wherever they were at the thought.

Never stops me though....

She's ready to live her new life.

I am very surprised that the suggestions were right on
with the direction I went with the piece....
what is it they say about great minds?

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

This week I am joining

July 11, 2012

DARE I ????

Isn't this a fabulous piece?
I love it, too, but it's been sitting around for about a year.
Sure, it's big being almost 7' long, and it's also pretty pricey.

But it also looks very dated....
Now could that be it's because it's over 70 years old?
Probably, but that doesn't mean it has to show it's age, does it?

So, the next question is....

Dare I paint this beautiful wood to make it more
Appealing for today's market?

I've picked the absolutely perfect color from Behr....

"Vintage Blue".

A beautiful blue with a touch of grey.....

So, what do you say?

Do I dare?

Check back later this week to see what actually does
happen with this wonderful piece.

July 7, 2012

Around the Shoppe.......

I have students and people interested in photography
coming in to the Shoppe all the time wanting to take pictures,
either for a class project or simply for improving
their photography skills.

This is the first photographer I have actually struck a "deal" with....
He is coming in on a regular basis....
Taking pictures of what he "sees"....

Allowing me to use them in my advertising
and promotional efforts.

He calls himself an amateur,
But I like the nature of his photos....
and I think he has definite promise.

Although Paul is just starting out,
You can find more about him on

July 5, 2012

War Zone Update ~ Part 2

It seems as though I have been working on
this particular project of organizing my
 Shoppe counter
 sewing area for a month.....

It has only been 4 days.....sigh......

But there has been progress.

The counter top is clear....

Behind the counter is also organized....
(note:  all the items are gone from the floor....yea!!)

Hopefully customers can now tell this is where you
actually pay for your items.....:)

Now, on to the sewing area.....
it's not that I'm unorganized, I promise.
There is just so much.

But I've made a promise to myself to
Hire a part time employee to handle my Ebay...
So I can stay organized, do the things I love, and
Take the Shoppe and my  Nettie Jane clothing
in the direction it needs to go....

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

July 2, 2012

It's a War Zone Here......

Contrary to what my lil'Mama might tell you,
I DO have organizational skills.

It's just when the creative process starts,
organization goes down the toilet.

However, I'm to the point where it is totally out of control.
My mind is cluttered,
I can't seem to finish much of anything,
I spend more time looking for items than I do making them

I've had enough.....and I want to prepare for the
good things ahead.

This one area is just about completed....

While this cabinet was just brought in
to house my sewing machine.

What better way to use part of the $8,000 cabinet that once housed my computer....
It makes me feel a little better about the money spent
on what became a totally useless piece of furniture.

The cash register is even finding a new home.

While the cabinet behind the counter is
now accessible without piles of items in front of the doors.

Everything that either didn't belong....
Or that needs to sorted and organized
is now on the floor.

Sometimes you just have to tear it up
before you can build it back.

Didn't mean to frighten you with this last picture,
but I guarantee you it's a war zone here right now.

Good thing I have the holiday week to put it all
back together.

This is just the tip of the iceberg....

Stay tuned for progress....
the good, the bad, and the ugly.