November 30, 2009

November's Giveaway Item.......Victorian Cones~12 midnight Deadline to WIN!

It's hard to believe today is the last day of November.....gosh, we are almost into a new year....where does the time go????? With this being the last day of the month, it is also the last day to comment for one chance, or comment and follow for two chances to win the sweet handcrafted Victorian cones......and that would not be just one....but FIVE......leave me some "love" and you might win :)


November 27, 2009

When "Frantic" is a Way of Life......

I don't know that I know any other mode.......and I seem to operate so much better under pressure, so I don't know that I am complaining......I would just like to know what it would be like with enough time to do it all.......but, I've given up on that and there is just so much I want to do that it goes full speed at all times........I've pictured a few of the things I have been getting ready for the Open House December 5th.........I just love to have handmade things tucked in and among the regular inventory to make the store feel festive.....

Cones are easy to make and can be hung on the tree, a cabinet knob, or set in springs holding candy or treats.....

Lacey mantel banners.......Joy or Noel.......add wonderful holiday charm.

"Wishes & Dreams"ornaments.........the perfect gift to give someone needing inspiration and encouragement.......

Winter foot snuggies.....cream, black, cranberry, blueberry, and warm!

Cloche crochet cotton oatmeal or black......

Hand dyed millinery flowers for the cloche crochet hats...... Not a good picture, but an idea of the wonderful antique satin stockings available....

An assembly line of tags.....

Sweet altered bottles.....

It would seem that the last few months, and for the next few weeks, the word "frantically" will be attached to just about everything I do. It's not that I want it that just seems to be the way it is, and with no easy way out..........Thanksgiving is "under my belt" and hopefully not on my hips :), and we are on the way to the Christmas Open House at the shoppe on December 5th. I am such a stickler at not decorating for Christmas before the Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone, so that doesn't leave alot of time to get ready for the event. I have, however, been "frantically" (there that word is again) getting handmade items ready to tuck in and among the wonderful vintage and antique items we offer on a daily basis. I always have to smile when customers ask me when I am going to get my "Christmas stuff" a box arrives with all the vintage and antique Christmas decorations and accessories like magic. I think they are all so accustomed to even the antique stores in the area shopping at the Trade Market bringing in reproduced vintage and antique decorations, that they expect I do the same....But, I don't. I am very proud of the fact that everything in the shoppe is vintage, antique, or handcrafted to blend in with all of the old things we love so much.....

It would also seem that little elves have been busy in my art room as there are tags, stockings, ornaments, crocheted hats and snuggies, altered bottles, and cones.....and tons and tons of glitter everywhere......they really should have been neater!!!!! Within the next few days the store will be transformed into a Christmas wonderland full of new merchandise from dealers and some added by me as well......all for the season and the upcoming Open House........we all are working hard to make this very special for those of you who are in the area and can will be a fun day!!!
Don't forget the last day to comment or follow for the November giveaway is midnight on the 30th........they are great for Christmas or spring......

November 25, 2009

From My Home to Yours.....

Have a blessed happy day.

November 24, 2009

White Wednesday & Giving Thanks.....

I took on the daunting task of switching my library area with the dining room so we would have more space as our small family grows with son in laws and grand babies....(yes, they are already talking about having a second "tater"). I never knew that my mother and nieces and their families would actually take me up on my invitation to host Thanksgiving at my home.....but they DID. My mother lost her husband last March and also just got back from Italy where she spent 10 days with her sisters......and at age 83 she was tired. So.........we had to really, really put it in high gear to get the rooms switched and cleaned for company. I am quite pleased with the way the bookcases hold my white pottery instead of the dark books they once held and there is plenty of room for the table...even with the leaves. Although it was ALOT of was worth it. I'm sure if you ask my husband right now he might not has been a chore for sure.....and it just happened to be all white, so I had to share. If you want to see more beautiful whites today, jump over to Kathleen's Faded Charm using the button on my left sidebar. I'm sure you will find other gorgeous whites and many best wishes for Thanksgiving today. I know I am sending you my very best and hope your holiday is full of family, friends, and good food. I have so very much to be thankful for and I know I often forget to be grateful during the stressful times.......but life is very good. I hope yours is too.....Stay safe this holiday if traveling and hold your family and friends the end, they are really all we have.

November 22, 2009

Good Times, Hugs & Goodnight Kisses........

From "this" To "this"

I have been pouring my own candles and making my own soap for the shoppe since I opened. I adore the fragrances at Majestic Mountain Sage because their quality is far above anyone else I have tried. I also love the fact that they care enough about their oils to put them in these wonderful amber bottles rather than the cheap, flimsy plastic ones the others use. I could never make myself recyle these beautiful bottles, much less throw them away. I finally came up with an idea of what to do with them that is not only creative, but decorative as well. After removing all the paper labels and cleaning the bottles, I "aged" vintage and antique lace from my stash , wrapping the bottles in various techniques and styles. Buttons, jewelry findings, and labels were all added creating bottles of all things good......a perfect stocking stuffer and a great item for my Open House on December 5th.......and the best thing of all......I have more storage space in my linen closet now these are gone!

AND these..
Whose up for some "Good Times" ?

And who couldn't use a "Hug"?

And last, but not least....."Goodnight Kisses"

It's such great fun and so very rewarding to make something from nothing......and keeping it out of the recycle bin. Also, remember to comment or follow for the November giveaway of Victorian cones this month. The deadline is November 30th. THEN there is also the repurposing challenge contest which ended January much going on, but we always have time to create!!!!!

Make your Day Great...xojana

November 17, 2009

I Adore White Wednesday.......

Welcome to another White Wednesday hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm. I am never at a loss of beautiful whites as my life is full of this gorgeous color....and you really IS a color. I have chosen to share the fireplaces in my home this week, one because of the cold weather and two....because I love them each and every one......when you are through here, just jump over to Kathleen's site for more participants in today's is always inspiring and beautiful.

I was very fortunate to find this gorgeous piece at an out of the way indoor flea market several years was always a faux fireplace and has a wonderful flickering fire behind the ceramic wood logs. I adore the wonderful French carvings and ornate detailing of the entire piece. It lives in one of my guest bedrooms flanked by my husband's Grandmother's side chairs. I pile as much "stuff" on it as I can and it never seems to mind........

This wonderful fireplace is original to my home. It was where we celebrated many a Christmas and has wonderful memories for me. After we bought the home from my Mother 27 years ago, we did extensive remodeling and this living room became our master bedroom......a wonderful thing to watch as you go to sleep.....a flickering fire .........I adore this piece and the memories it represents.
And my absolute favorite piece in my home....I found this on the back loading dock of a local flea market for just $100.00 several years is so wonderful and the focal point of my living area.....

Please also consider entering my challenge of re purposing. Simply take a before and after picture and submit by January 15th to be judged as a winner for a designer altered couture sweater, compliments of who! The fun thing about this challenge is the only rule is that it has to be something different than what it started out as......a chair as a stool, a bed as a bench, etc.....entries are already coming in and I am excited to see all the creativity!!!! I know it is a busy time of the year, but the challenge extends to January 15th and you know all you have to do after the first is put away all the Christmas decorations.....yeah, right! But, still, I hope you will find the time to play with us.........

Make your day great!


November 16, 2009

Judy Garland in the Nick of Time........

You know.....I consider myself to be an extremely positive person.....I've even been called "Pollyana" by many people that know me. I always try to see the best side of things and look at the brighter side of any where am I going with this train of thought?

I had some time today to finally get to the stack of Sommersets that have been haunting me for what seems like weeks. I used to bring one home and devour it at red lights, being almost finished before I walked in the front door......but not right now. With the shoppe, with the house and the changes that are being made there, the holidays, and of course, my precious just all seems to run together leaving alot of time to feel very inadequate. Inadequate because there is so much to be done, so very much I want to do, and so many ideas running through my head constantly. It is in times likes these that I have a tendancy to just "shut down" because it is all so overwhelming......reading everyone's blogs and seeing their successes as well as their creations......learning that there is so much I don't know......and just trying to keep up is a daily chore........I always get through these times with self encouragement, meditation, and self forgiveness.....but that usually takes a couple of weeks. That is why I was so blessed while reading a Sommerset Studio magazine today to run across a wonderful quotation......and from all people.....Judy Garland...

"Alway be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of somebody else"
As silly as it sounds, I do believe that will get me to the other side much quicker than for those of you who are constantly comparing yourself and/or your accomplishments to those around you, I hope this helps you as much as it helped me today. I can now get on with the plans at hand, knowing that there will always be things that are left undone, there will always be people that can do things better than I can, but I also know that what I can do.....I can do well and that's enough for me!
Please read about my repurposing challenge that I have put together for everyone out there. The deadline for submission of pictures and project is January 15th and the prizes are valued at over $300.00. With all the creative genius out there I know there have got to be some wonderful ideas, I hope you will come play with us!
Also, the monthly Victorian cone giveaway ends November 30th and I hope you join that one as well....all you have to do is comment, follow, or mention on your blog to win.....easy greasy!
Make your Day Great Today....I know I'm Gonna!

November 13, 2009

Pink Saturday & A Love of Needlepoint....PLUS A Challenge!!

My love of vintage needlepoint is certainly rivaled by my love of pink, so when they "come together" it makes me smile. These are just a sampling of the pieces I have in my home...some pillows, most framed.....but all beautiful. I also have boxes and boxes of ones that I have picked up here and there and haven't decided what to do with them yet. I find it almost impossible to let them go by selling them in the shoppe.....I'm sure there is therapy for that....probably a disorder they would call "Compulsive Needlepoint Disorder"....or "CND" problem....just add it to all the other disorders I have and I'll treat them when I have time :)
If you have the time, and are up for a challenge with wonderful prizes, take a minute to read the post right before Pink explains all about a neat challenge I'm putting out there for anyone who likes to "play". The time frame is two months to get your project together because of the holiday season.......that way there are no excuses for being "too busy"........think about it....and I hope you join the fun!

And then.....there's more!

And my absolute favorite....has nothing to do with pink, but the sentiment is so wonderful I just couldn't leave it out..
Want to see more beautiful pinks? Jump over to Beverly's How Sweet the Sound and see what our host has prepared for you this week. She does a wonderful job of keeping us on track and sharing it all with you. And be sure and check out the post below for a fun challenge with great prizes as well.....Thanks, Beverly.
xo jana

November 12, 2009

It's A Challenge....and the Prizes are Awesome!!!!

So who woulda' thunk that I would roll over the 100th follower the day I also announce the start of a new contest, or as I like to think of it.....challenge......That just makes it even that much more special for me, so I am going to try and make it that much more special for YOU for your efforts and following.....

My last post was about "repurposing" items making the ugly blouse into a Victorian lampshade......and that is what the challenge will be. I would like to see what all of you do with the things you come across in your junkin' time. It's not the kind of challenge where you find an old chair, repaint it, and reupholster it.....that does take talent and vision, but not that much of a creative mind. I want to see you make that pair of chairs into a chaise lounge, or that birdcage into a lamp, or that baby bed into a porch couch....or whatever .....get the jest here?'s about "repurposing" not "redoing" SO......take a quick before picture of your basic item and pictures of your finished piece and submit to me via email by midnight January 15th, 2010 to be judged for three top winners. Because I want to make this very special, and very worth YOUR effort, especially during this busy holiday season, I am making the prizes what I think to be least I hope so.

The first place prize will be a custom made altered couture sweater sold under my brand of "Heart & Soul". This prize is valued at up to $250.00 in the shoppe........the sweater will be made after the winner is chosen and has submitted their size and preferences, and should arrive within the first two weeks of February......some samples are shown below...some of these were made as inventory, while others were special order, but all will give you an idea as to the style and design of my creations.

The second place winner will receive a $50.00 gift certificate for use in my Etsy or my website at

The third place winner will receive a gift certificate valued at $25.00 for use within my shoppes online as well.

I can't wait to see all the fabulous designs and ideas you have locked up inside those little ole' heads of yours.....and to give back to all my wonderful blogger friends that are so supportive, so encouraging, and just so wonderfully nice..........isn't it a great world we have's like having secret friends, and I love it!

So, to sum it up.........the rules and guidelines are:
1) Before & after pics by midnight January 15th, 2010
2) Must be repurposed not just redone.
3) Contest open to US and Canada residents only.
4) Judges decisions are final.
5) Winners to be announced no later than January 20th, 2010

NOW.....get busy with all that creative genius that is flowing rampant with all you wonderful people I have met.....and feel free to pass this on to others....the more the merrier, I always say!

Please don't forget about the monthly giveaway as well......I'm just a "giving machine" these days, but you know......I think it helps your karma to give back when you receive......

Comment for one chance for five Victorian cones

Comment and follow for two chances....

Comment, follow, and mention on YOUR blog for three chances......just easy greasy!!
and.....thanks for indulging me!!!!!


November 10, 2009

A Paperwhite Wednesday....An Upcoming CONTEST....and November's Giveaway......

Well, you can tell that when I finally get a chance to post I try and get it ALL done in ONE sitting. It goes without saying that running the shoppe, getting ready for the holidays, and having Tater every morning until noon has taken its toll on me......not complaining, just explaining :) SOOOO, first for sharing my White Wednesday item with you.....I know I have posted somewhere along the line about my huge terrarium made from an old fish tank....well, rather than fill it with the expected Christmas ornaments I chose to plant my paperwhites inside......the sides will give them wonderful support and the end presentation should be gorgeous.....or that's what I'm hoping. They take about six to seven weeks to mature so should be ready just in time.......If you want more beautiful whites today, please make sure you visit Kathleen at Faded Charm Cottage through the button on my sidebar. The others have beautiful things to share and would love to have you......BUT, before you go.......scroll on down and check out what was my own personal challenge and what has led to a new contest I will be announcing on Thursday for all of those of you out there that enjoy creating, and most especially.....recreating.....AND, then there is November's giveaway of Victorian cones........I told you there was alot, but I have to take the time when I have it.........

The Challenge
When I came across this rusched velvet blouse at a local thrift store I'm pretty sure I audibly gasped.....the color yellow was that of a lemon....and an ugly lemon at that! I was on the phone with my daughter at the time and I told her what I had found.....she said that she didn't think there was anything I couldn't do something with.....accepting the fact that there obviously was. WELL.....think again, missey.......I finished my conversation and pushed my cart backwards to pull this tacky blouse off the hanger.......I figured at $3.93 and a 30% discount I wouldn't be loosing anything....AND it was a definite challenge. I knew the polyester velvet wouldn't take the dye very well, so I bleached it really heavy before using the tea stain, hoping it would strip the fabric of any did somewhat, but not enough. I resorted to mixing a heavy rit dye in the water because the tea just wasn't strong enough for the fabric. Although it is not as dark as I hoped, it still turned out a beautiful golden rust which is a far cry above the lemon yellow......and it looks beautiful with the light shining through from the easy project and a challenge met........which brings me to a contest I am going to be announcing on Thursday.......prizes will be worth the effort, so stay tuned and get ready!!!!!

And....finally to this deep, rich golden rust color........not as dark as I would have liked it, but as dark as the polyester velvet would go.

Using the sleeves it is easy to slipcover two small chandelier lampshades in a professional looking manner. The instructions for completing one of these shades is in one of my first posts and can be found here for anyone wanting to try their hand at some of these shades.
There was even enough left for this larger full size lampshade......just add French ribbon and vintage millinery silk flowers to soften the beautiful smocked rusched velvet of the bodice of the blouse


AND don't forget the November giveaway of FIVE Victorian screen cones......simply

Comment to Enter for One Chance
Comment & Follow for Two Chances
Comment & Follow & Blog About the Giveaway for Three Chances

xo jana