December 30, 2011

It's a Whole New Year.......

It's always exciting to start a new year.
It's my time of the year to make new plans for the Shoppe,
Initiating new ideas for promotions and events.

I evaluate what worked during the previous twelve months,
and determine what to keep and develop
and what to walk away from.

I'm looking forward to doing some "off campus" shows and sales next year
as well as events here at the Shoppe.
I have some innovative ideas to keep the inventory moving rather than
becoming stale as it can often do in an industry like mine.

I have started to completely redesign the Shoppe,
moving and shoving furniture and display cabinets around....
thinking I am super woman, but getting it done nonetheless.

I'm purging certain items altogether and
bringing other wonderful things in to take their place.
I have a whole new blog design which makes me happy, and clean, and fresh, and new.
I'm feeling the excitement of a wonderful new year,
and I am grateful to still be here as so many small
businesses have closed in this economy.

I have all my "locals" to thank for that and I know it.
I appreciate you more than you know and
look forward to a glorious 2012.

Here's lookin' at you, kid.

Have a safe and healthly new year!!!

December 21, 2011

La Princesse' Dress Up Trunk.....

Owning a retail shoppe this time of the year is busy enough,
but then take on the job of making the things your
family wants for Christmas....well, it's down to the last minute.

I wanted a dress up trunk for my sweet baby girl, Tatsey.
I started with an old army trunk,
Painted it white and distressed it a bit....
Taped off the pink stripes...
Because she is all girl, for sure.

I painted the open areas with the palest of pinks to match her room...

This made for a soft contrast....
Much softer than the picture depicts.

 And added her princess crown.....
Because after all, she is you know :)
And such a precious one at that....

This week I'm joining with Honey 2805
and of course....
Beverly's Pink Saturday.

Merry, Merry Christmas, Ya'll

December 12, 2011

I've Got a New Picker.....

I have a new picker that is bringing me one after another of these
Precious little wooden doll chests and dressers in all different sizes and styles. 

This little black one had bright red rose cheesy decals between ugly knobs.
I was able to remove the decals keeping the original paint, and
Replaced the knobs with some fantastic brown and black porcelain door knobs.
The scale is completely different, which really makes the piece unique and special.... 
The piece sold right away at my recent holiday open house,
With two other customers calling back to see if I could find one for them...
Goes to show you, the best time to buy an antique is
When you see it :) 

The little white doll dresser was painted white and distressed.
Wouldn't it make a precious jewelry box!

In between the birth of my new grandson, keeping up with Tatsey,
the Shoppe, and life in general,  my time is not my own....

 But it's always good.....
Happy Holidays,
I've missed you.

November 27, 2011

The One Most Important Rule of Design to Always Remember.... there ARE no rules.

I have long told my customers to always buy the things they love.

In doing this, they will all have a common denominator...

And blend together as your own personal style


Take ideas from books and magazines,
but trust your instincts buying what you love
and not what someone tells you you should love. 

 By surrounding yourself with things you love,
you will feed your soul and find safety
and security within your home.

Crystal lamps in the kitchen and
using my daily dishes for display
makes me happy...

And, after all,  that's what design is all about.

November 25, 2011

I Love It When That Happens......

 Thanksgiving is but a blur, except for all of the leftover food in the fridge......
and we are already into the Christmas holiday mode, or almost everyone is it seems.

I had planned on being closed on Friday....enjoying an extra day off and enjoying my family....

But that didn't happen..

Instead I had my first Green Black Friday Sale.......
Encouraging customers to re purpose, reuse, and buy vintage and antique items which is the
Ultimate in recycling......
While customers shopped, I played.......or what I call playing.

I sorted bags of lace....finding this set of antique cuffs and matching collar,

 And this beautiful old crochet purse.

 I started working with my silk velvet, making ruched roses for embellishing purses, scarves,
and anything else you can think of.

 The larger ones are perfect for lamp shades and large handbags.
 Then I came across an old rayon ruffle from a vintage full slip,

 And it became a large rose for some future project.....

Although the Shoppe was busy all day,
It was one of the most relaxing days I've had in a long time.... 
And I love it when that happens.

November 23, 2011

Just How Does a Tradition BECOME a Tradition?

It was quite by accident, I assure you. 
Nothing that I put hours into thinking about trying to come up
with the perfect tradition my family would remember always
and continue after I'm gone.

 Of course, special family dinners always start with a beautiful table....
Never, ever any paper plates or napkins here.......
And plastic utensils, or plastic anything.....oh, my....just can't do it!

 But the year I came across these glass star candle holders was the year it all made sense.
Several things were going on within our family breast cancer, Papa's George's stroke, an armed robbery effecting my daughter directly......and more than I need to share. 
We all needed hope, we all needed faith, and we all needed to focus on what was good rather than bad.

I placed one of these inexpensive glass stars with a candle in each place setting, lighting them right before the family sat down.
Grace is always said first, and after that, but before we start passing all the wonderful plates and bowls of luscious foods prepared just for the day....we stop.

One at a time, we go around the table with each person stating in just a few sentences what they are grateful for......then they make their silent wish and blow out their candle.  It helps everyone to realize that regardless of the trials and tribulations in life, there is always something to be grateful for.  There is sometimes laughter.....often times tears, but
Always a wonderful closeness that is treasured by all of us.

We do this each family gathering, whether it be Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, or whenever....
It makes us that much closer.

I'll be cooking all this evening and tomorrow and there will no time for blogging,
I  wanted to make sure I shared my best wishes and love with each and
every one of you with the hopes you are as blessed
as I am.....
 and that your Thanksgiving is as special as I know mine will be.

Be Safe.

November 9, 2011

Stone Crosses

Recently I saw some crosses at a little shop that attracted me....
That is, the design, not the price :)

Because I seem to have supplies to make just about anything,
I decided to make my own.

Simple to assemble,  with beautiful results.
and mine didn't cost $50 :)

I used the supplies I had on hand,
Which included concrete patcher rather than grout adhesive.
I like the way the grey mortar looks with the washed natural rocks,
So it worked out well.

They were done in a flash :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I'm joining this week with
Time Travel Thursday 

November 8, 2011

*****White Ironstone*****

 I never tire of the way old ironstone looks and feels.....

And trust me....if it's white, it's coming home with me.

I started collecting these magnificent pieces years ago
When you could still find them at a decent price....

With or without their original wash basin bowls,
I love them all.

And don't even shy away from the "fancy"ones either....

Then, of course, there is all the old McCoy ironstone pottery......
I have to have all I's a sickness of sorts :)

And I actually use the platters for serving
Large family meals....

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.

I'm joining Kathleen's White Wednesday with my collection today....

November 1, 2011

My Designs Have Never Been for the Faint of Heart :)

It goes without saying that my taste
Can be considered over the top in clothing and design.....

And good proof of point is my lace boa.... 

Full of fluff and femininity

Made with gorgeous vintage lace....

That I had bought on a bolt years and years ago.

And perfect for the girlie girl........

I'm joining Faded Charm's White Wednesday this week.......
Lots of beautiful whites.

October 29, 2011

Dressed Up Vintage Wool Scarves and Fingerless Gauntlets

It's so exciting here in Texas that our weather has finally gotten cool...

Maybe that's why I'm already "cozying up"  to thicker fabrics and soft wools.
I pulled these gorgeous vintage and antique wool shawls from inventory and
Decided to dress them up a bit.

First altering with laces ....

Then some with ribbons and such.....
It's a nice way to update an old look bringing a garment back to life.

Then, of course, I had to have this glorious hand crocheted
kettle dyed wool yarn Victorian "scarflette" and fingerless gauntlets.
A dear, sweet customer of mine makes these and
Does such a beautiful job.

Look for these to be for sale in the Shoppe soon...
they are luscious.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come :)

Happy Weekend........