March 31, 2010

Well............This Certainly Made My Day!

Imagine opening up your email and reading....
"Congratulations, your project has been accepted for an article in Somerset".
I wasn't going to tell anyone until the issue I am going to be in is actually out,
But they work so far in advance that I just couldn't hold it in.
I will keep the specific publication a secret and the project as well,
But simply tell you that I am honored to be included with all of the incredible talent they feature time and time again........
Who says Marketing Plans don't work!

Thank you for stopping by today......

If anyone has a wonderful home and would like to share it with an adorable white puppy, Please feel free to let me know.

The "White Family" is destined to become the White~Holland family......
My oh my.

March 30, 2010

What's Up With "the blogging thing" ?

I received a phone call this morning from my daughter wanting to know what was "up with the blogging thing", because I hadn't posted since Saturday.
She says she likes to "read me" to keep up with what I'm doing....
She is so funny.
I told her I was busy trying to get the art workroom completed.
I posted one side of it last week, but the other side is the really difficult one to put together because of all the laces and fabrics I need to include.
She told me to post what I had gotten done, so I am.
Hopefully, I can show the entire area sometime this week.
I''m really happy with the space I have and it will be much easier to work on my projects while here at the Shoppe.
Take a look around, and promise not to judge.....
There's still a lot to do! A bird's eye view....not complete, but getting there.
Vintage ribbon and trims I use on my sweaters and bags.....
The old velvets are my favorites.

As spring comes and our time gets less and less, I thank you even more for stopping by. Although I am not much of a "commenter",

I do visit all of your blogs and enjoy each and every one.

Make your Day Great!

March 26, 2010

Sweet Love From LuLu~My Pink Saturday

Expected gifts for your birthday, Christmas, or other special occasions are always wonderful.
However, the best treat of all is the unexpected, for no special reason, from someone you have never met "kind of surprise".
I received my mail on Thursday and knew right away this was gonna be something good.....
First of all it was from my blogging buddy, LuLu, of Coastal Sisters.
I know the beautiful jewelry she makes and all of the other mystical pieces of what she fondly calls "sweet and sinister" creations.
The note included inside was enough of a gift.
The thought that someone could know me so well, having never met me, was beautiful......
and wanting to create something for me from something she found that simply "reminded her of me" was so heartwarming.
The surprise was even wrapped in a sweet paper covered box with my initial....
and my favorite color ribbon!

And this is what I found tucked inside.
A gorgeous pink rose cameo pendant necklace created just for me.
The setting and chain is a beautiful pinkish copper color, reminding me of rose gold.

A close up of the cameo......I feel badly because I am still having camera issues and this picture does NOT do this piece justice......
I am in love with your creation, LuLu....and I thank you so very much.
This is such a special gift and I will treasure it always.

You can see more of LuLu's creations here. You will find her very diverse, which explains her "sweet and sinister" description of herself .

Again, I thank my sweet, sweet LuLu for making me feel so very special with this beautiful one of a kind handcrafted gift.

I hope your visit her, as well as the participants of Pink Saturday hosted by our wonderful host, Beverly.....just use the button on my sidebar and see what everyone has planned for you this's always a treat for the senses!

March 25, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #10~A Fast Cute Apron!

It goes without saying this has been the week of all weeks.
Starting off with the stress of finding four large dogs needing help, the hussle and bussle of the TV taping on Monday, my daughter being out of town for three days and me having my sweet tater girl alot of that time.....
and then, the camera won't work.
Well, that's not going to stop me from posting a Quick Project Thursday.....
firstly because I said I would...
and secondly....because I can use a "quick break" from the life that is "in my face" this week :)
I do, however, apologize for the photos I am having to use as they are taken from my files and not really how I would like them to be for describing or showing someone how to make them.... goes!
What I have today is simply an apron made from an old pair of jeans.
Cut both legs off at crotch level, and split down the side seams, cutting through the waistband.
You can use both the front and back for an apron,
so decide if you want back pockets or front pockets and a zipper for yours.
Fold the piece you have chosen in half and trim down from the sides, rounding the corners....
you could leave it square as well, if you want...I simply like mine rounded.
I have chosen a lace edge and sew it onto the hem area with the jean fabric overlapping the lace by approximately 2". Once this is sewn, cut the 2" overlap area as you would fringe.
The seam attaching the jeans to the lace will be your stopping point.
Once this is washed, it will fringe and ravel more giving a more unique look.
Embellish your pockets with lace, doilies, or anything else that suits your taste.
For the sash, cut a long piece of fabric or lace, leaving the edges raw or hemming as desired.
Thread the sash through the existing belt loops, securing at each end of denim fabric with a simple stay stitch. You can also use an actual belt and buckle it to fit.
The size of your apron will depend of the size jeans you could even do a child's size to match your own......very easy, and very cute!
Thank you for stopping by today. If you would ever like to join in on Quick Project Thursday and post something you think others might like, just grab my button and let me know you are's always fun to share!

March 23, 2010

Meet the "White Family"~My White Wednesday

As I was packing up things at the Shoppe on Sunday afternoon to take to the Good Morning Texas television shoot, my sweet man pulled up in front of the store. I could see he had a big white dog in the, he had two big white dogs in the van. What the .......? He called me outside and I saw there were FOUR white dogs in the van.....all filthly dirty, all exhausted, and starving half to death. He had picked them up on a busy street not far from his store. There was no question what we had to do, and that was to rescue them.....which we did.
Sunday night they were so cold from the rain and light snow we had over the weekend that we simply got them warm, made them soft beds in the garage and fed them well.
However, last night it was bath well as removing the ticks and cleaning the went fairly well because they are just so gentle.....often abused dogs are that way........they know better than to act out for fear of being mistreated. Tonight we decided to introduce the white clan to the black clan......and the black clan has two female alpha dogs so we didn't have any idea how it would go. We were pleasantly surprised with just a few snarls and growls.....Little Effie was so scared she fell in the swimming pool not once, not twice, but three times
........just so clumsy at this age, but so incredibly precious.
We can't keep them.....7 big dogs are just too many and even I know that. Still, I wish I could....they are so adorable....all of them. However, not being able to keep the ones we save, doesn't keep us from saving them......somebody has to.
I so wish you had to have a license to breed animals.....I so wish there were so few that it wouldn't be easy for irresponsible people to get them.....I so wish people would realize owning a pet is for life....that they are not disposable because the new apartment won't take them, or because they start to dig in the yard, or because they are too much "trouble".
My animals are my family. Now, meet the whole family.......Mama Bonnie, Papa Clyde,
And babies just 12 weeks old and 25 pounds.....Effie and Layla.

Layla and Effie adored my Big Joe......he's a friend to everyone and has seen many come and go.

Thank you for stopping by today and for all the sweet emails about my "TV debut"

AND please have your pets spayed and neutered.....
and save the next one you see that needs you.

Thank you to our host Kathleen at Faded Charm for our White Wednesday get togethers....please use the button on my sidebar to see the what the others have for you and enjoy!

March 22, 2010

~~~~~~Collected Treasures on TV~~~~~~

It goes without saying that any publicity is good publicity,
So when it turns out to be a positive thing, then it's all that much better .
When my Shoppe and I were chosen to be on a morning segment of a DFW CBS production of
Good Morning Texas.....well, I was excited.
Five minutes of "fame" here and there eventually add up,
And when you're a small, independent business such as myself,
It's always welcome.
Just click on the bar below the video clip to the left to see the segment in it's entirety.
It's just a little more insight into what I'm all about.
Thanks for stopping by.....I love it when you come!

March 20, 2010

~~~~~~Frogs, Frogs Everywhere!~~~~~

You know it pays to look under beds every once in a while.
I found these stuck inside an old plastic tray under the bed in one of the guest rooms this week.
I remember now pushing them under there to store them until I decided
what to do with them.
I was very excited to see them as it was like finding little treasures all over again, without spending any money :)
They are all in the Shoppe now, offering a wonderful selection to collectors or those wanting just one to use as a business card holder.....
They work perfectly as a stand for a special photo, business card, or even as intended.....for flowers! The little crazy one is my favorite.....don't know if it works better, but is so cute.

Love the big old oval one.....
The glass frogs are more plentiful, which surprises me because they are breakable. When I was six years old I stuck all my fingers into one of these and it took my Mother an hour to get them out without hurting me or breaking the glass.....

I especially like the little wire cage frogs......must be where we came up with simply using wadded up chicken wire.

Sharp as nails and very effective for their intended purpose.

Who says bunnies and frogs can't get along?

Have a wonderful Sunday.......and thank you for taking time to drop by.....

I always love it when you come...:)

March 18, 2010

~~~~I Waited As Long As I Could~~~~

Months ago I posted about my old canopy awning finally biting the dust..literally.
The hail storm came and it was ripped to shreads all over the ground.
I really hated to lose that quaint part of my old building, but I also really loved the light it let shine in through my six big windows.
So my vision was to grow beautiful wisteria vines up onto the corners of the building where it would wind around the old metal frame and simply cascade down throughout the open frame, eventually covering the entire area across the front of the building.......
Very European, I must say:)....especially for lil ol' Texas
I've waited and waited through the longest winter ever, and have now planted my vines......
Because I bought the biggest I could find, I think they will start to cover the ends very nicely, very quickly....
They are absolutely delicious!

Not far to go before it is up on the old framework and starting to create a wisteria canopy!

Thank you for stopping by today.....

I always love it when you come!

Quick Project Thursday #9~ Dried Hydrangeas

Drying the Perfect Hydrangea....
I'm including this as a project because I have had so many questions about how I accomplish this......and it's really quite simple.
The most important factor in getting the best dried bloom is picking it at the perfect time.
Make sure the bloom is what I called "aged".
It cannot be new and beautiful, which how most think it should be.
Wait until at least a week into the bloom when the majority of the moisture has left the flower.
If it feels just a little stiff to the touch, but is still full and's ready.
Cut the flowers with enough stem to place into a vase so you can finish the drying process.
Fill your vase with enough water to cover approximately 1" of all stems.
Not only can you enjoy a beautiful vase of fresh flowers while they are drying, but you will also end up with perfect dried hydrangeas.
There is no need to turn these upside down as you do roses.....
they will dry perfectly upright in the vase.
When all of the water is gone in about 5-7 days....your flowers are done.
You can leave them in the vase for a beautiful dried flower arrangements
or in wreaths and other projects.
I hope this helps all those accomplish the perfect dried hydrangea.
Spring is almost here and there will be beautiful flowers soon!

And they look beautiful attached to wreaths.....If you would ever like to join the fun and share a quick project, just grab my sidebar button and let me know......we would love to have you. Barbara Jean always plays along and has wonderful ideas, so check her out at Treasures from the Heart

As always....thank you for stopping by today.
This is such a busy time of the year and I appreciate your visits!

March 16, 2010

~~~~~I Know How Lucky I Am~~~~~

Not only do I have a precious grand baby, but also a beautiful daughter who adores me.
Then I am fortunate enough to still have my Mother in my life, whom I adore.
It is so easy to take all of these things for granted because you have them, but when I see others struggle because they have lost their loved ones, or maybe because they don't have a healthy relationship with the ones they still have, I feel sorry for their loss and the void they must feel. I cannot imagine my life without any of these sweet souls.
As my daughter and I worked on a couple of things today in the Shoppe,
My sweet Tater Girl didn't mind a bit.
I think I might have been blessed with an old soul, here.....
she just seemed to love this old suitcase so much!
What's not to love about this sweet, sweet baby~!
As always.....thank you for stopping by today....
I appreciate your visits and
love it when you come!

March 12, 2010

Pink Saturday & My Love of Ephemera

Happy Pink Saturday!
This week I am sharing my love of ephemera, all with the color pink.
I've always been attracted to old boxes of any kind, and when I find them with beautiful graphics....... well, that's just a bonus.
I was fortunate enough to find all of these beautiful greeting card boxes over the years with the beautiful greeting cards still inside......
How special the recipient must have felt to open up something so lovely.....and to be able to tuck it away to be able to read it over and over again.
A whole lot better than an email or text message, huh? Beautiful Graphics....

With Lovely Sentiments.

Each one better than the next.

My absolute favorite.

Until I found this one.

Want to see more sweet pinks today? Use Beverly's button on my sidebar and see what the other participants have for you this's always beautiful!

Thank you for stopping by today......

Have a wonderful weekend!