October 31, 2010

A Darker Side of "Me" & Giveaway Invite!!

Anyone that knows me realizes how much I adore whites, pinks, and girlie~girlie.
But anyone that knows me well, knows the flip side of that coin and how much I
Love tapestries, velvets, dark woods, and Victorian.
This is my office at home......
Quite a bit different than what people expect if they only know me through the Shoppe.
But when I tell people "I love it all", I really, really mean it.
The only criteria is that it has got to be old.

And beautiful.

And cushy and comfy.

Also, don't forget to join up for my Fantabulous Giveaway.....
Someone is gonna win a prize valued at $100...and
It might as well be YOU,
But you have to comment or follow or blog about it in order to have your chance.
Deadline is November 27th so sign up now....
And be sure and tell your friends too
Because if I hit 300 followers by contest end....
There will be TWO prizes given away.

I'd love to have you!

Thanks for stopping by today....I love it when you come.

October 27, 2010

And The Rain Came.......

Saturday was the Tenth Semi Annual Main Street Antique Trade Days Sale.
It rained on Friday preventing us from safely setting up anything.....
The wind was too strong and it just wasn't' worth taking the chance.
I do have a rain plan, though, and it is....if you wake up Saturday morning....and it's NOT raining.
The Sale is On........and so they came.
We worked quietly, not knowing what the day would bring.
As daybreak came, we could see the skies were relatively clear.
But somehow I still knew what was coming....my bones ached and I knew it was inevitable.
The storms would come...it was just a matter of when.
Still, I smiled, but only put a small fraction of my items out.
I knew everyone else would need help in the event of a fast shut down.
And I kept smilin'.....
Even if it was a scary smile.
The crowds came and it was proving to be a wonderful day.
Then my sweet man called with the news.....
Him........"Are you watching the weather?"
Me.........."How would I be doing that"?
Him........"Shut it down.....it's the other side of Fort Worth"
Me........."How much time do you think we have?"
Him......."None, just do it".
I quickly walked the lot.......not wanting to alarm anyone by shouting out, and the sky quickly turned black.
I was so amazed at the smiling faces looking back at me.....
No grumbling......no cussing......just quickly moving as the wind had already started to blow.
We were off that lot in about 20 minutes.......
It's amazing how quickly you can break one of these
Shows down when there is lightening and torrential rain.......
Although we didn't get to play all day long, we did last until 1:00,
And the dealers did well in that time period.
We didn't get to hit our peak afternoon traffic, but what could you do....
I still had to pick up sixty signs....make some sense of what I literally threw into the back of the Shoppe......I was wet, I was cold, and I was tired having been up since dark forty.
My precious daughter and sweet man so totally "get me"
And I couldn't do it without them.
All that evening I was self talking as I do......going inward, trying to make some sense of how tired I was......wondering just what was I doing
On Sunday morning I made the announcement to my family..
I didn't plan on doing any more Trade Days Sales.....it had come to an end.
They didn't flinch.....they didn't question.....they do so get me.
Monday I sent out a dealer email announcing the Spring Trade Days Sale
May 14, 2011....
And a new event being a Sidewalk Sale November 6th.....
Just me and two other dealers.......
If I can't sell it one way.....I'll just sell it another.
And so, I prepare for the event....
Like I had good sense.
I was so pleased today to also see that my sweet, sweet blogging friend Patti
of Patti's Artful Design is having her very first giveaway in celebration of her 100th post.
If you are not familiar with her art, she works with shells and creates
the MOST gorgeous of things.......check her out.....and tell her I sent you.
She has been featured in several magazines and you will want what she has!!!
And, don't forget to comment, follow, and/or blog about my giveaway, too.
All the info can be found HERE and you have until November 27th.....
That's all for me today.........
Gotta move some of these things around to make room for more.
Can't wait for the Sidewalk Sale......
I'm getting rid of so much good "stuff".
Thanks for stopping by today......
I love it when you come.

October 22, 2010

Incoming Karma~Paying It Forward~Trade Days~& Giveaway Info

Whoa, that's alot!
And I really don't have the time right now, and
Really, really shouldn't be sitting here at my computer when
The Antique Trade Days Flea Market is tomorrow!!!!
The last two days have been full of wonderful treasures coming at me everywhere I turn.
People are so incredibly generous and have simply given me these things....just given.
Now, I call that "Incoming Karma" for sure, and it is certainly a testament to "doing good",
or trying to.
That's why I'm also paying it forward in tomorrow's Trade Days Sale........
Incredible prices on wonderful stuff..
If you are local....don't miss it.
I mean, just look at these fabulous vintage bags..... And a 100 year old tailor's suitcase full of wonderful treasures.
And a hat box full of beautiful black velvet and wool vintage hats....

Old patterns and tons and tons of iron on transfer patterns.

Absolutely precious little register...

Laces.....oh my....the laces :)

Precious antique baby items....

Absolutely delicious!

Then the boxes of china and glassware...

And a sewing machine for my Tatsey!!

Just had to share my "wealth". I stand amazed at people's generosity and kindness towards me and their genuine interest in my succeeding.
As long as I'm sitting here you know I've gotta talk about my giveway and ask that you be sure and comment here on my giveaway post to win a
Heart & Soul altered sweater or $100
of merchandise from the store, shop, etsy, or ebay.........
It's all about giving back.....the more you give in life the more you get......
and that counts as good or bad...I'm just sayin'
.....don't you just love it :)
Have a great weekend....and see' ya Monday!

October 21, 2010

Trade Days Flea Market "Stuff" & Giveaway!!

The weatherman reports a chance of rain on Saturday.....
But I'm not acknowledging that forecast.
The Tenth Semi Annual Antiques Trade Days Flea Market is this Weekend
And we're not afraid of "no stinkin' rain"
(please, please, please, please don't rain)
The dealers never disappoint me with their tenacity
Or with the treasures and deals they bring.
AND, I'm getting ready as well.
There are new things created just for the Flea Market

Such as antique framed sheet music with wonderful thoughts...

A vacated old birdhouse....

Beautiful vintage pillowcase sets and linens

Novelty magnets from old jewelry...

And tons and TONS of antique and vintage baby items.

You can't forget that Halloween is just around the corner....

How 'bout a drum majorette jacket....

And masses of old frames and Sunday artist paintings...

And some "man stuff"......old metal trucks and toys from the 50's

Several stacks of old, OLD books....

And boxes....

Then, we're back to the pretty!

The day starts early for all of us, but the sale starts for you at 8:00 am.
It promises to be a good one

Don't forget about my Fantabulous Giveaway either.
You can win one of my Heart & Soul unique creations
OR a $100.00 shopping spree in my website, etsy, ebay....or
For all you locals.......my Shoppe!

Read more about it and leave your comment here

For YOUR chance to win!
Thanks for stopping by.....I always love it when you come.

October 19, 2010

Ok, Boys....Single File Now (and a new twist to my Fantabulous Giveaway)

There's nothing worse than a group of unruly Santas......

But these guys are excited about the
Main Street Antique Trade Days is this Saturday
And I'm always trying to have a few things that are Uniquely Me.
I've always painted on ironing boards, but got a few Santas done just for the sale.
They will either be holding a chalkboard for holiday notes...
or have a hook for your favorite wreath........

They are just alot of fun and what better way to greet your family
And guests this Christmas than with a

And a quick update on my Fantabulous Giveaway that can be entered http://collectedtreasures.blogspot.com/2010/10/im-givin-back-some-lovefantabulous.html here until November 27th. I've decided to add an element to the prize, or rather choice of prizes so everyone can have something they really, really want. I do realize that my sweaters are not everyone's style and I don't take that personally. I do, however, want everyone to enter so you can either choose a $100 gift certificate from Collected Treasures store, website, Ebay, or Etsy OR, of course, a sweater as originally offered. The choice is totally up to the winner........all the details can be found on the link above, and you do have to comment on that post to be entered. Even if you are already a follower, you still have to comment to be included in the drawing which will take place December 1st. Please help me share the love and pass this giveaway along. Due to schedules and commitments, I don't get the chance to offer something like this very often......I would love to give everyone a chance to win..... .

October 12, 2010

I'm Givin' Back Some Love~Fantabulous Giveway Here!

It seems when I first started blogging there were not
That many giveaways,
However, with ALL the blogs out there now
There is always something to win.....and it's all good stuff .
That why if you are going to host a giveaway these days,
It had better be a good one.
I hope everyone knows how much I enjoy their visits,
And even though I don't get to comment very often....
I do make the rounds and see the beautiful things you make,
The lovely thoughts you have,
And the triumphs and struggles you go through.
I don't know that everyone will be impressed with my offering,
However, it comes from my heart.....and from my hands.
One lucky person will receive a handmade altered creation from
Heart & Soul.....made just for them, and
Guaranteed to arrive before Christmas.
Shown are just a few of items made as special orders over the last year.
You can pick your color....or stay with all creme or white..
The choices are all yours.
These carry a retail value in my Shoppe of between $85 ~ $185, depending on style chosen. They are all one of a kind.....

Made with vintage materials.......

And as girlie as you get!

The drill is the same as always.
Simply comment on THIS post for one chance....
Comment and follow for two chances......
Blog about it and grab my giveaway button for FOUR chances.....
(just let me know, please)

AND if my followers get to 300.........
Well, I'll add another prize that's just as cool!

I so love to blog and have met some incredible people along the way.
I enjoy what everyone is doing and am amazed daily at the wonderful talent I see.
I just often wonder what "us girls" ever did without this
Wonderful cyber support system we have created....
I know I don't want to find out.
I adore each of you and thank you so much for hanging in here with me....
Through the good, the bad, and the ugly

Now, c'mon and show me some bloggin' love and win one of my
Fantabulous sweaters....:)
Deadline for entry is November 27th.....
(and pass the word)

October 7, 2010

About Six Posts All In One......So, Here Goes!

I have received several emails from people asking me "where 'ya been?"
I never realized it had been so long since I last shared anything,
As I was too busy working on projects to
Take the time it takes to keep everyone up to date.
So, today, I am sharing all the things I have been working on,
And believe me when I say.....it's all over the map.
I started working with the Resin Ice several months ago
And have finally come up with my own design for necklaces
That fits into what I'm doing in my own little world.
My tag line is......for the home, heart, & soul,
So I like to incorporate that into everything I do.
These pendants are created using vintage jewelry pieces of
Heart jewlery and sell under the label "Two Hearts".
This is pretty much how they start out.....just watch pieces and resin "blobs".After they are wrapped and other elements are added they are ready for a chain.
The bottom necklace is actually a lock and shamrock, rather than two hearts...
But sometimes I get off track :)
Then there was also this old door I found on a vacant lot.
Some kids had been using it for a skate board jump.
When I flipped it over, half of the gorgeous mirror was still intact,
But couldn't be saved,
So it's a huge blackboard....
For now anyway.

I've also pulled out all of my velvet tapestries,
Working on large totes and bags.

This one also incorporates an old needlepoint,
And is huge....just like I like'em.

This is also the front of another one in progress....
Kind of a wierd shape,
But I like how it's coming together.
This photo shows how the ribbon fringe
Looks before it's coffee stained.

And how it looks when it had been soaked
And tossed into the dryer.

Then I don't want everyone to always say I only work
With White.....
A black altered dress....perfect for the holidays!You can't forget the bloomers either.
They look great with a long blouse or sweater,
Or even under your longer skirts.
Very flirty.

And, of course, everything goes out under my own label.

I hope you made it this far,
Because I know it is a longer post than normally share.
Still, I have to take advantage of the few minutes I have to blog these days.
Thanks for stopping by today..
I do love it when you come.