old cheese boxes and vintage prints make the best storage containers....
April 28, 2009
As the Week Begins.....
My week at the store begins on Tuesdays, with Sunday and Monday being my weekend. I am always amazed at how I feel I have accomplished everything at the end of a Saturday, only to come in on Tuesday morning and have so many things waiting to be done.....I need someone to jump start me this morning! I was able to find wonderful vintage baskets for my produce this summer......I took that an a sign that I was on the right track with the garden. I mean, when else have you found these at a thrift store....I think someone must be watching out for me.....and that is a good thing, because some days I just feel "lost" :)
April 27, 2009
It's not ALL business......

I have often been accused of not having a personal life and "living" at the store. I guess it is because that is all of me that I seem to ever share and it is an open book as I continue to grow my business and survive in this crazy economy. Still, I do have a personal life and a very wonderful one. Not only do I have two cats at the store, but I also have three large resuce dogs and four rescue cats at home.....and all my very special loves. My home and my yard are my passion, and my business is just an extension of that passion. Here I share some of my backyard with you.....still very young as spring has just sprung and there are so many things not yet in bloom....we still have gorgeous blue phlox to come, as well as fabulous hydrangeas, Texas lilacs, yellow cannas, and orange trumphet vine (yes, I do have this but keep it very much at bay). The purple wisteria and azaleas are already done for the season, so the scenery is constantly evolving....especially with the Texas heat. I always have my pink begonias as they are just so Texas friendly and last almost until Christmas for wonderful color. I hope you enjoy the tour.......it is a little slice of my personal heaven!
April 24, 2009
As the May 9th Trade Days Sale approaches, Brenda and I are covered in sawdust, glue, and paint.......it's gonna be a good one!
You KNOW you are Busy When you Post More Than Once a Day
While Brenda was working on her beautiful mosaic crosses, I worked along side her completing a rose umbrella stand, red toile vanity stool, and a large treasure box. Once again....still need to be grouted, but I like the direction they are going. Look for these and other creations in the upcoming May 9th sale.
Just a Few More Items for the Trade Days Sale...
As the Trade Days Sale May 9th gets closer and closer, Brenda and I get busier and busier preparing new things for our area. I don't usually set up, but rather make sure all of the dealers are being taken care of and have what they need, but this year is different. Because the sale is becoming established, there is not quite as much for me to do and I can get myself ready. Brenda had a crash course in the art of "breaking tiles" on Thursday morning and created some beautiful crosses for the sale. All we have to do now is grout and they are ready to go......she did a fabulous job!
April 22, 2009
April 16, 2009
I'm Trusting You Have Vision.....
Ok....the dirt came. I told my sweet man that a half load would not be enough......and guess what....it wasn't. SOOOO, I had to call for another truck and then wait. Well, I'm not really good at just sitting still waiting for stuff so I can go to work and complete a project. I knew I wanted a mural on the the back wall as well, so I just jumped in and started the project in my "downtime". I am trusting you have vision or I would not be sharing the pictures with you yet. This is only the base coat and all of the detailing and such will come later this week. Still, I was so excited that I even had time to start it....and again, before the Trade Days Sale too. I'm a happy, happy chica......
April 15, 2009
It's here, it's here, it's here.......
April 14, 2009
It's the Simple Things that Make Me Happy.......
Of all the things to start right here before the May 9th Trade Days Sale, I have decided to plant a garden on the back lot as well.....yeppers, I have. When I couldn't find a natural soap to sell in my store that I liked, I just learned to make my own. When I didn't like any of the overprocessed candles I came across.....I just learned to make my own. So I thought it made really good sense to provide my own little Farmer's Market as well. I contacted produce seller after produce seller and found they ALL get their produce from the same supplier, not much of which is actually produced locally. It is shipped in from other states and Mexico.
Since I have about 3/4 of an acre behind my store and only use it for the Trade Days sale twice a year, it just made sense to put it to better use....at least some of the time. Once we removed the asphalt that remained from a very, very old parking lot (and boy, was that a BIG job) I started designing some landscape projects that wouldn't interfere with the flea market, but that would add to what I have always thought a very ugly area. That's actually when the idea came to me for a vegetable garden and all I had to do was mention it to my sweet, sweet man. It started happening that weekend, and now we are almost ready to plant. We are going to have tomatoes, onions, beans, okra, summer squash, cucumbers, radishes, and eggplant.
I have now given him plans......or my vision of a vegetable cart for the front of the store.....I mean, a girl's gotta have a cute place to "peddle her produce". Look for an update on this story to come..........I can just see OK Carter doing another story on my store with a headline "Local Business Woman to Start Farming Downtown". Crazy....maybe. Happy...definitely.
April 8, 2009
As The Days Count Down.......
My store, Collected Treasures, hosts the Main Street Antique Trade Days Sale twice a year in May and October. It seems that one is not over before we are planning for the next. Each one is getting better and better, and I am so proud of all of the dealers and vendors who take the time to come and be a part of the day. Because the store is closed that day, I spend weeks before the sale preparing small items that I can transport easily to the back that hopefully will add to the dimension of the sale and speak a little of what I am all about. Today was "cone" day as I prepare my things for the sale. Beautiful little sheet music cones adorned with antique millinery flowers and filled with a beautiful antique hanky or napkin......just an idea of how these can be used at tea parties, weddings, and special occasions.......May 9th......Save the Date and we will see you there!
April 7, 2009
the end result......
hugs, jana
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