I have so many supporters.....
You know the ones.....they want to see you do well
And seem to always be looking out for you?
And this post is to thank those who believe in me and my effort,
Even though there are also those that wish me to fail......
This is my little Shoppe as it sits today.
It wasn't always like this.....five years ago it was a dirty, nasty building that was
Inhabited by homeless people. It took us three months just to clean it up,
Much less worry about how much curb appeal it DIDN'T have.
Over the last few years, however, that has changed.
The Arlington Historic Society has been kind to me, giving me bits and pieces
From old structures being torn down.
My lovely railings were the first to come, and I was delighted to get them....
Forget the fact of how we were going to make them work....I just knew we would,
Because my sweet man can do anything.
And my latest acquisition came this past week when Martha rushed my front door
And said "come quick, I have something for you, but you have to hurry".
I asked no questions, and hurry I did, only to find the bulldozers in full steam.
Tearing down the last of the beautiful old Purvis house.
She had ask them to put aside the old light posts that were going to be just thrown away.

And there were TWO of them.....perfect!
She had done this with old wooden posts and I thought it a fabulous idea.
You will want to check Patti out as she has some wonderful ideas
AND a beautiful blog as well.
The concrete is still curing and the pots will be dressed up with some moss and such,
But still, aren't they wonderful!!
My curb appeal is building one piece at a time
With the help of my sweet friends
And the giving of their generous finds.
You can't forget the back half acre either, as it continues to grow and
Become an entity of it's own, especially when the Trade Days Antique Flea Market is going on.,

Thank you to all of those who have helped me get to where I am today,
whether it be through kind words, comments, or as a faithful customer.
Even those who have made it more difficult on me than it should have been,
Because you made me stronger than I ever thought I could be.They may say there is "power in numbers",
However, in my case I would chance to disagree,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!