Happy New Year, Sweet Friends!
I have to admit that 2010 was a challenge, both professionally and personally.
I was, however, able to rid myself of the vampires in my life
And surround myself with positive energy and people.
I accomplished almost everything on my marketing plan for 2010,
And have developed an even more ambitious marketing plan for 2011.
A really exciting endeavor planned for the next year is the Le'Pre'miere Qtrly.
I won't go into any details here, but more can be found on this particular sale by
Jumping over to the new blog here.
It promises to be alot of very hard work, but also a wonderful event.
This in no way replaces the Main Street Antique Trade Days Flea Market
Hosted by me twice a year, as that continues to be an event approaching it's 11th sale.

And the Shoppe has expanded to include other styles and items that
Appeal to those that just don't appreciate pink like I do.
It will come as a surprise to those that really know me, but I am nothing if not diverse
And able to accept all types of design.
Having reclaimed all of the space within my Shoppe,
I am now able to go in alot of different directions.
Here, no lace, no roses, no pink.
That is, of course, until you cross to the other side of the building ;)

I don't get to comment very often because of time constraints,
But I do enjoy visiting and seeing all of your wonderful ideas
And gorgeous homes.
You continue to be my inspiration
And my guilty pleasure.
There is nothing anyone else has or does that cannot be your own
If you are willing to work hard enough to obtain it.
You can make it happen.
Happy, Happy New Year