October 31, 2009
October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween & the Last Day to Sign up For Ornament Giveaway!!!
I totally missed the deadline for "Pink Saturday" this week. The store was literally turned upside down cleaning and getting things ready for the holidays and the open house~customer appreciation we have scheduled for December 5th. I finished a couple of areas and thought I would share some of my hard work and at least take the time to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Although it's not a holiday I personally like alot.....yikes, I'm really surprised I actually shared that since most of you really seem to love the day. Maybe it was alwaya the orange that did it to me and I just can't get over the fact that I can go with just the black and white to decorate. I'm still wondering though how I will be able to fit any roses in with the spooky theme :).......I still enjoy the fact that it is the official onset of fall and the holidays. Here's to everyone eating all the candy and sweets they want today and not gaining an ounce!
Also, don't forget to make sure you comment for one chance and/or follow for two chances to win the fabulous vintage Christmas ornaments to the right.........promised to arrive just in time for holiday decorating........

And last, but not least......my faux fireplace that is almost finished. It is made from a tall dresser and has a flickering "flame" for a "fire". It has been reconfigured with the firebox.....then painted....then gold leafed around the edges and pink stripes added. A stain was used to bring down the colors and give it back some age and the corner and top center will be painted with a rose bouquet for added charm......it is topped with the antique bed foot board with the mosaic center. This WAS to be my entry in the Chez Fifi contest, however, all my before pictures were purged when my laptop crashed a couple of months....a good lesson to back everything up, huh? 

October 27, 2009
A Beautiful White Wednesday.....
With the Trade Days behind us (whew!), we find ourselves already gearing up for the December Open House and Customer Appreciation Day on December 5th. I always take this opportunity to do some fall cleaning and enjoy moving things around for different looks within the shop. I hope you enjoy your visit and invite you to join the others participating in Kathleen's Faded Charm White Wednesday by clicking on the button on the sidebar. The others have more whites for you which are sure to soothe the soul. Also, don't forget to either comment for one entry or follow and comment for two entries to win the beautiful vintage mercury glass blue ornaments to the right. The month is almost over and a winner will be drawn on November 1.
Make your day great.......xojana 

The antique buffet was an oak veneer this morning. It got a quick coat of white paint and changed it's look completely.

The only piece of this antique bed that came to me was the gorgeous foot board. It was missing the insert so my sweet man cut a wooden pattern and I did a special mosaic to complete the focal point in the center. We added a wooden shelf at the bottom so it can be hung above a traditional or plain fireplace to give it architectural interest and create a mantel.

October 25, 2009
Another One Down.........What Fun!
Friday before the Trade Days Sale started off early with dealers showing up with tents, awnings and tables. The wind was blowing which made it cooler than usual, but it was proving to be a gorgeous weekend.....I even think the light shining down through the pictures was our indication it was gonna be a good weekend.
All of the dealers were wonderful and made my efforts putting the sale together look good. This was the best sale to date and as dealers left they were already talking about the next one scheduled in May. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to think about that right now as I sit here still in my pajamas with tired, sore feet.........but I know it will all come together yet again. I thank all the dealers who hang in there with me and share my vision for what this can and will become over the years and for all the customers that come and shop.......believe it or not.....it's all done for YOU!

The lot got fuller and fuller as the day went on.......the wind was blowing so we all said silent prayers our tents wouldn't be on Wendy's parking lot before morning! 

A wonderful assortment of all kinds of vintage and antique treasures!

Wonderful, quality items at more than fair prices made the day successful for everyone!

I was so very pleased and impressed with the "loot" all the dealers brought. There was so very much to choose from that you didn't know where to look first!

I immediately fell in love with this solid vintage concrete gnome.......it so reminded me of the one from one of the King of the Hill episodes I saw.......not many people know that I adore that show and it makes me laugh out loud. I wouldn't spend the money on myself for this expensive little guy, but I saw the deaker loading it into my lil'mama's car, so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be under the Christmas tree for me this year.....makes me very happy! 

The patio was set up and ready to go early........next year this area will be covered with a new wooden pergola....no more tents and awnings for this girl!

October 22, 2009
One Day Left....Ready or Not....Here it Comes!
Backlot mowed.......check
Punkins delivered......check
Mums in place......check
Brenda coming......check
Tents ready to assemble....check
Merchandise ready to go.........well, almost check
Tomorrow it is dealer set up for heavy and big stuff and getting the signs out and up.....then "D" Day, rather Trade Day is Saturday at 8:00 am..................................................I'm already looking forward to sleeping in Sunday...and to think someone actually had the nerve to ask me one time why I didn't do this every month.....they just didn't have a clue!
October 21, 2009
Tha ree......ah, that would be three days and counting....
OOPS......for anyone actually counting......that would the
ta uuuuuuuuu.....two and counting...ouch! I just lost a day!

If you think you are getting tired of hearing me blog about the Trade Days then come spend a day with me and you will know just WHY I talk about it so much. The week before the actual sale is literally non stop sale stuff and talk, and talk, and talk. Not to mention that my beautiful store is all messed up because of so many wonderful things waiting to go on the back lot.....and so much more that needs to be done, and so much that won't get done. Why is it that no matter how much you actually do, you don't feel it was ever enough because you set your expectations of project completion so very high that you can never, ever meet it. I'm sure several therapy sessions could answer that one for me, but for now there is no time. The rain has been with us all day and will be most of tomorrow, so it is easy to worry about this weekend. The forecast has promised beautiful weather and I'm holding them to it, but right now is all I see and I need it to go away, please.......and bring us hundreds of people with lots of dollars :) hmmmmmmmmmm.......serenity now, serenity now.....
October 20, 2009
wHoA......Four Days and Counting.......
Four days and counting........I've got my protective shield up now...ping, ping..... (that's me dodging obstacles and problems) Dealers calling for last minute space.....lot is full....ping..... Sure, come on....ping........I'll put you somewhere!!! Dealers getting sick.....ping. The City sent out my email to another 600 people today...yea!!! ....the Art League was kind enough to send to their membership of over 800...yea.........counting my 1,700.....that's alot of cyber space being taken up with this thing. Getting more things ready by the minute.....still running the store as well......ping. My daughter said that I need an "assistant". I told her that she just didn't know how dangerous I could be with the right help....I just haven't found anyone yet that can keep up with my fast speed of "overdrive". I am either on or off....there is no inbetween.........mark your calendars for Saturday....and come early for the best "stuff"..........'cause we're all going to shopping too!
October 19, 2009
Five Days Counting.......

The reality of the week has hit and there is white paint being brushed on and sawdust flying. I'm still determined to have alot of new things for everyone, as a large majority of the customers that come are also "friends of the store" and have seen most of my things. Common sense would tell you to put all your old stuff out there and get rid of it so you can bring in new inventory...BUT......I want to offer new things as well so it all seems "special". Brenda will be on the lot with all of my new and special things, while I will be on the patio with $1, $3, & $5 tables to purge myself of all the smalls that carried over from my mall days and projects that just didn't get done.........and just "stuff" that doesn't fit the look of my store. It's all still good, just needs to live somewhere else now :) I hope you have marked the date of October 24th at 8:00 am and plan on getting there early as I'm sure the really good stuff will go quickly. BTW, the store is closed Friday to set up for the sale......then of course on Saturday during the Trade Days. Five days and counting..........it's gonna be a good day.
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